It's been forever since I last blogged, and I've recently decided that I need to get back into this so why not start off with a few of my least favourite things?
I couldn't sleep last night because my brain could not stop spinning and thinking about the loads of things that drive me INSANE!!! So much so that I had to get up and write them all down so I would not forget them when I decided to blog about them today.
So here goes . . .
I'm so sick of people calling other people legends. Do you even know what a legend is? It's not someone who writes a feel good worship song that we sing on Sundays and then the rest of the week they don't live the life that they wrote out in their song. That's annoying. You're not a legend to me, you're a fake. You're welcome!
Why do people say "epic fail" all the time? What's the purpose of emphasizing the fact that it was "epic"? Who cares?! Also, why do you have to even say "fail"? Really? Fail? Does that somehow make you ridiculously hip or current?
Speaking of hip. HIPSTER?! WHAT IS THAT?! Is a hipster someone who wears skinny jeans with deep V t-shirts revealing that oh so unattractive chest hair? Not to mention the boots with the undone laces, topping it off with a beanie on their head because they don't want to wash their hair? Not for me friends! Not for me! That's all I'm saying.
Oh hashtags! I must say, I have fallen victim the the hashtag nation. But to be completely honest, I have NO IDEA what it means. I don't have twitter for the mere reason that I don't really get it. I mean facebook seems to work the same way and the whole having to get 100 friends on there for it to even make sense doesn't really appeal to me. I also don't need to follow Kim Kardashian that much that I need to see what she's saying on twitter. It all just seems like a lot of work and I don't really have the energy to keep up with twits. Or tweets. Or whatever they're called. I can say on instagram (my new obsession lately) I hashtag away only because I think my pictures are THAT GOOD! However, I get annoyed when people hashtag on facebook! I mean where do those hashtags go?! Into another virtual computer world that you need to set up another media account to view?! It's all too much!
So with all that said:
#youarenotalegend #ihatewhenpeoplesayepicfail #hipstersarenothip #whatsthedealwithhashtags
Til we meet again!